If you're looking for some easy to intermediate level pieces to learn, this is the right place for you :) Some of them are a bit more simple, some are more for advancing beginners and experienced players, but I'm sure you're gonna love them all. You can buy Tatyana Stachak's works here: http://www.euterpe.pl/shop/index.php?route=product/search&filter_name=stachak I was playing Kurpié etude from Characteristic Études vol. 1, then Rainy Étude and Flamenco Étude from Characteristic Études vol. 2.. From the second collection I also recommend Harp Étude and Reflective Étude, they are great! The 11 exercises video I mentioned: https://youtu.be/zPiFuqT3XqU?si=5Z5IklQXg0XRytT1 The booklet: https://beatrixguitarstudio.etsy.com/listing/1653159841 Easy pieces playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qw1AuKgdLgI&list=PLWmENyqQsZgf2DqvKtDUccR-4ZjxRcSDm More pieces I mentioned and some shops I found: Vals - Bartolome Calatayud: https://www.sheetmusicplus.com/en/product/product-16653883.html Nightfall - Panteleimon Michaeloudis: https://www.stretta-music.de/guitar-exam-pieces-from-2019-grade-4-book-nr-1162054.html Canzone d’Amore - Maria Linnemann: https://www.stretta-music.net/linnemann-suite-for-lovers-nr-112284.html More recordings from Tatyana's book: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pG8mOFKyJg&list=PL4243057E9CF775B2 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 📦Check out my shop for stuff! They are good! https://beatrixguitarstudio.myshopify.com/ Check out my website for music, lessons and more: https://www.beatrixguitar.com/ Sign up for my newsletter to get tips and inspiration to play more: 💌https://beatrixguitar.substack.com/ Join our community on discord! 🌍https://discord.gg/8bKS4d9Z8j Support my work: ❤️https://www.patreon.com/beatrixguitar 📸https://www.instagram.com/beatrixguitar 🎵 https://www.twitch.tv/beatrixguitar 💸https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/beatrixguitar 📦 https://beatrixguitarstudio.myshopify.com/ For concert/masterclass/teaching enquiry: 💌[email protected] Don't forget to like and subscribe! Thank you for your attention, have a nice one! Timestamps: 0:00 Vals 2:27 Nightfall 4:40 sponsor 5:39 Kurpie Etude 7:20 Rainy Etude 9:10 Flamenco Etude 12:11 Canzone d’Amore 14:53 Bonus stuff!