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如何被神的灵所引导--第6部分: 甘坚信牧师 How You Can Be Led By the Spirit of God-Part 6: Kenneth E. Hagin

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你在观看:如何被神的灵所引导--第6部分。 第二十五章 预言引导 第二十六章 异象引导 这本书通过经文一步一步地引导基督徒远离属灵的陷阱,帮助他们在领域的每个生活中跟随神的灵。甘坚信将本书的重心聚焦于良心、内在的见证、预言、异象和人的灵的训练。 观看完整视频,并下载完整音频或视频文件添加到您个人的图书库,请访问: 获取甘坚信著书的免费、可下载的pdf文件,请访问。 中文信心图书出版社致力于为全世界说中文的信徒提供优质、充满信心的资源。我们渴望将这些从神的话语而来的、改变生命的真理带给尽可能多的人。这就是为什么我们所有的出版物都可以免费下载的原因。 虽然甘坚信的著书和其它信心图书出版物有不同的中文版本在流通之中,本网站所推出的简体中文出版物均为甘坚信事工和瑞玛美国圣经学院正式认可的、最新版本的书籍。我们相信它们最好地反映了原作者的内心,最准确地传达了原作者的意思。我们相信,您在领受神话语的过程之中,必蒙祝福! **请注意:甘坚信牧师的本视频教导受甘坚信事工版权保护。请勿剪切、复制、录制或重新上传到本平台或其他点播平台或网站,否则您可能会被要求删除其内容及所有相关内容。我们希望用我们认为对您至关重要的信息和恰当方式祝福我们的访客。我们的目的是在包含原始内容来源的平台上为您提供观看体验(没有未经允许的添加/提取/编辑)。我们也希望指引你到你可能不知道的其他资源。其他人上传的完整视频不被认为是合理使用,其中的金钱收入也没有得到甘坚信事工的许可。这也适用于以前由甘坚信事工制作的所有甘牧师服侍内容。谢谢您的合作和理解。 YOU'RE WATCHING: How You Can Be Led By the Spirit of God-Part 6 Chap 25- Guidance Through Prophecy Chap 26- Guidance Through Visions This book provides step-by-step guidance through the Scriptures to steer Christians away from spiritual pitfalls and help them to follow the Spirit of God in every area of life. Kenneth E. Hagin focuses on the conscience, the inward witness, prophecy, visions, and training the human spirit. To watch the video in its entirety and to download the full audio or video to add to your personal library, visit: We also have free, downloadable .pdfs of a variety of Kenneth E. Hagin books. Visit FLP Chinese is committed to providing quality, faith-filled resources for Chinese-speakers world-wide. We desire to make these life-transforming truths from God’s Word available to as many people as possible. That is why all of our publications are available as free digital downloads. While there are numerous Simplified Chinese translations of Kenneth E. Hagin’s books and other Faith Library Publications materials in circulation, the resources found here and at are the officially approved Simplified Chinese publications acknowledged by Kenneth Hagin Ministries and RHEMA USA. The downloads are the most up-to-date versions of the books, and we believe they best reflect the heart of the original writers and convey their words most accurately. We trust you will be blessed as you receive from God’s Word! To order the video in English, visit:, or order by phone: 1-800-54-FAITH (543-2484). **PLEASE NOTE: This content by Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin is COPYRIGHT PROTECTED by Kenneth Hagin Ministries. Please do not rip, copy, record or re-upload to this or other on-demand platforms or websites or you may be requested to remove the content, and all related content. It is our desire to bless our guests with messages we believe are essential to you, and in a manner we desire it to appear online. Our intention is to provide you with a viewing experience on platforms that house the source of the originating content (without non-permitted additions/extractions/edits). We also desire to direct you to our resources that you may not be aware of. Full video uploads by other persons are not considered fair use, and monetizing is not with permission of Kenneth Hagin Ministries. This additionally applies to all content previously produced by Kenneth Hagin Ministries featuring the ministry of Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
