DATE:6〜14 JUNE 2024
Hydrangeas, a symbol of the rainy season, are a popular sight in Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan. The city boasts numerous hydrangea spots where history and nature intertwine, creating breathtaking landscapes. From mid-June to early July, these hydrangeas bloom in full glory, adorning the grounds of temples and shrines. The vibrant blossoms contrast beautifully with the historic structures, exuding a charming and nostalgic atmosphere. This allure draws visitors from all over, making Kyoto a popular destination during hydrangea season.
00:00 Opening
00:42 柳谷観音 楊谷寺 Yanagidani Kannon Yokokuji Temple
03:26 三室戸寺 Mimurotoji Temple
05:59 藤森神社 Fujimori Shrine
08:26 京都府立植物園 Kyoto Prefectural Botanical Gardens
11:52 勧修寺 Kanshuji Temple
15:22 二条城 Nijo Castle
18:34 Ending