7 months ago TODAY publishing this was when I first started my long journey as a new wanderer in Tower of Fantasy! 🤗
In honour of that memory, I give Reiko an almost identical style to what she had in Chapter 1 all that time ago!
She will now take over the baton in the story.
Kiryu ♂️ 🤝 ♀️ Reiko ;
In the FINAL PART of Gesthos Network
- Chapter V!
Thank you all for watching dear viewers, and if you like, I am truly grateful.
If you would like to see it again, here was Reiko when she completed ;
⬇️ - Chapter I Asperia Finale - ⬇️
UNFORTUNATELY I lost the prologue she was initially in - sorry 😞
Off we go! 🍀
Let's go and rescue Voidpiercer and Shirly...