Long-flowering perennials make your garden look gorgeous for months on end. Here at Doddington Place Gardens in Kent, the owner and the head gardener pick their favourite 6 long-flowering perennials, plus I choose a bonus plant. Click on 'show more' for plant list.
Doddington Place Gardens, short-listed for Historic House Garden of the Year 2021, is open to the public for 2 days a week between April and October. See: https://www.doddingtonplacegardens.co.uk/
0:00 Welcome
0:18 The Sunk Garden Garden at Doddington Place Gardens
0:31 How to create beautiful borders with Tom Brown of West Dean Gardens: https://youtu.be/SQRTVeCLHmE
1:22 Anthemis tinctoria, otherwise known as Golden marguerite or Dyers chamomile
2:15 The small red flowers are Knautia macedonica
3:45 Penstemon 'Stapleford Gem' - hardy to minus 18C/0F
4:40 Euphorbia ceratocarpa (Horned spurge) Hardy to minus 10C/15F
5:08 Euphorbia characias subs 'Wulfenii' (Mediterranean spurge) is the plant with citrus green flowers at the centre of the screen Hardy to minus 10C/15F
5:28 Geranium psilostemon (Armenian cranesbill) Hardy to minus 10C/15F
6:55 Knautia macedonica (Macedonian scabious) Hardy down to minus 20C/minus 10F
7:37 How to do a 'Chelsea chop' to stop plants flopping
8:08 Astrantia major 'Claret' (Masterwort) Hardy down to minus 20C/minus 10F
8:20 Astrantia major 'Roma'
8:41 Astrantia major 'Billion of Stars'
9:17 Rose 'Felicia'. All the roses featured in this section are 'Felicia'. Hardy down to minus 23C/minus 10F
9:32 Tips on growing roses in herbaceous borders
10:45 Anthemis tinctoria (Golden marguerite, Dyer's chamomile) Hardy down to minus 40C/minus 40F
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The Middlesized Garden practices sustainability, wildlife gardening and no till methods. If your garden backyard is smaller than an acre, join us and enjoy your garden even more!
The Middlesized Garden Complete Guide to Garden Privacy is available in Kindle or paperback in 13 countries (in English only). If you'd like your garden to feel more private, click here for availability in your country: https://www.themiddlesizedgarden.co.uk/books/the-complete-guide-to-garden-privacy/
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