🔹 Freight Broker & Agent Training - Start from Scratch with No Experience: https://www.howtobecomeafreightbroker.com
🔹 Advanced Sales Training for Current Freight Brokers and Agents: https://howtobecomeafreightbroker.com/#sales
🔹 Book a 1:1 call with me at the bottom of my site
00:00:00 Introduction: Starting your own business
00:00:34 Breaking free from the daily grind
00:01:09 What a freight broker does
00:02:52 How much it costs to start
00:04:32 Finding your niche in freight
00:05:38 Real-life success and standing out
00:06:46 Building relationships with shippers
00:08:25 Landing your first client
00:09:31 Managing operations and growing your business
00:10:42 Final thoughts: Building your dream
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