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6 भयंकर वास्तुदोष तुरन्त खल्लास- चमत्कारी फिटकरी से, vastu for fitkari, fitkari ke fayde, fitkari se

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वास्तु शास्त्र में फिटकरी -एक तीर से 6 निशाने- घर में इस जगह रखे फिटकरी is part of fitkari ke Vastu upay or fitkari ke totke for business and house Vastu. Fitkari is alum and फिटकरी का छोटा सा चमत्कारी उपाय is one of the best Vastu dosh remedy with fitkari. So fitkari for Vastu dosh is used. Fitkari ke gharelu upay ads alum benefits in Vastu shastra but fitkari ke totke according to lal kitab are slightly different. Alum uses for Vastu is traditional and how to use fitkari as Vastu remedies is easy to find. Fitkari ke upay or fitkari ke totke are very commonly used as Vastu flaws or Vastudosh remedies or Vastu cures. फिटकरी से लाभ are like Vastu dosh nivaran as main but use of fitkari in Vastu shastra are enormous. Vastu for fitkari or फिटकरी के फायदे includes in a vast topic of fitkari ke upay in hindi. Therefore, घर में फिटकरी कैसे कहाँ और क्यों लगाए so that we may get fitkari ke fayde to improve positivity in house and to ward off the negativity. Here is one more question that how to use the alum or fitkari to remove the Vastu defects inside the house and how fitkari is going to improve the Vastu energies in the house is a big question. Dr. Anand Bhardwaj, one of the most famous Vastu consultants of the world has defined in this youtube video in hindi how to use fitkari in your house or how to use alum in your house to remove the Vastu defects. How a small quantity of fitkari is going to do miracles to improve and change the energy level in your house by removing the negativity from your house and by improving the positive vibrations in the house. Ghar me is jageh rakho fitkari so that fitkari ke upay or fitkari are going to improve the positive vibrations in the house and one feels very good ambience inside the home or business premises. Fitkari is known as alum also in scientific language and in Indian astrology, lal kitab ko Vastu, lama-fera, feng shui numerology another occurred sciences use Vastu shastra remedies which is done with the help of fitkari or alum. Vastu ke totke according to lal kitab is mainly concerned about fitkari ke fayde or the uses of alum or alum uses for Vastu and one may ask how to use fitkari as Vastu remedies and we tell in this youtube video in hindi that it is very easy to do fitkari ke upay aur fitkari ke totke because fitkari say love and benefit of fitkari or alum are defined in this youtube video in hindi by Dr. Anand Bhardwaj Vastu consultant and he tells that use of fitkari in Vastu shastra should be done in accordance with Vastu for factory. Fitkari in hindi and fitkari ke upay in English are also the part of this youtube video in hindi language by Dr. Anand Bhardwaj who is telling how to do Vastu remedies with sea salt with fitkari with water, with mirror, with worship and with music vibrations in the house so that there is no negative impact of any negative energy in the house and fitkari and other objects are going to create the positive vibrations in the house which is going to support the human being who are residing in the same premises. #घरमेंइसजगहरखेफिटकरी #fitkarikevastuupay #fitkariketotkeforbusiness #फिटकरीकाछोटासाचमत्कारीउपाय #vastudoshremedywithfitkari #fitkariforvastudosh #fitkarikeghareluupay #alumbenefitsinvastushastra #fitkariketotkeaccordingtolalkitab #alumusesforvastu #howtousefitkariasvasturemedies #fitkarikeupay #fitkariketotke #फिटकरीसेलाभ #vastudosh Call me on +91-9811656700, 9811656700 (New Delhi- INDIA) Office Number: 9999256700 My email: iivc999& Follow us on facebook: Join us on Linkedin: Follow Us on YouTube Channel: Follow us on Stumbleupon: Google+: Addressing Speech Email us at: [email protected] Contact us at: +91-9811656700, or +91-9999256700 (New Delhi, India) Visit us on our websites:
