Noah shows off a killer 60s bop kit from Premier!
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Hi-Hats: Zildjian A. 50s 622/642g
Crash: Zildjian A. 60s 1162g
Ride: Zildjian A. 50s 2234g
~Studio Hardware~
Kick Pedal - DW DWCP9000 9000 Series Single Bass Drum Pedal + Gibraltar Felt Beater
Hi-Hat Stand - Canopus Lightweight Hi-Hat Stand
Drum Throne - Gibraltar 9608RQPRB Round Quarter Panel Two Tone Drum Throne
Direct Overhead: Shure KSM 141
Room Overheads: AKG C214 (2, Stereo)
Rear Overhead: AEA R88 MkII (Stereo)
Bass Drum: Shure BETA 52A
Floor Tom: Audix D2
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All interviews and footage are property of Steve Maxwell © 2024