देखिए इस वीडियो में मैं आपको भगवान श्री कृष्ण की उन 64 कलाओं के बारे में बताऊंगा जो उन्होंने सांदीपनी आश्रम में 64 दिनों में सीख ली थी।
Hi I am Puneet Biseria, and In this video on Sri Krishna, you will learn about the 64 arts which Sri Krishna learned in 64 days. This video about the 64 talents of lord Krishna will tell you everything about the useful things which people of India used to learn and master.
The information in this video on the 64 talents of lord Krishna will help you in dealing with all the walks of your life. After watching this video, you will know all the things which you should master so as to become the most talented most capable and most useful person in your entire group.
It will help you in making the most of your time, will tell you about all the things which you can and you should cultivate as hobbies so as to become a master of all the trades. This video on 64 talents of lord Krishna is like a SYLLABUS of being the complete man.
Just watch this video and you will be Amazed and enlightened with all the talents which lord Krishna has masterd in 64 days and you should also try to learn as much as possible about these 64 things so as to become the best version of yourself.