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【漁港走透透】#64 高雄梓官蚵仔寮漁港及魚貨拍賣實況|Fishing Port & Seafood | EP_159

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“現在就訂購 Surfshark VPN , 或輸入優惠代碼[beibei] 獲得1.7折優惠, 訂購兩年方案再加送免費3個月!” =========================== 蚵仔寮漁港的陽光、熱情與活力,是令我戀戀不忘的漁港風情。 由於多元化的觀光環境、美麗的蔚藍海景和浪漫的落日景觀, 更曾經在2012年榮獲十大魅力漁港魅力組第一名。 在2015年更升級為全國第一座HACCP(危害重要分析管制點)認證魚市場, 從物流、車流、人流、氣流、水流等五大面向管制污染源,提升衛生水準, 也是繼日本築地市場(現為遷址新建的豐洲市場)之後的亞洲區第二座。 白鷺鷥群在屋頂上盤旋、飛舞,是因為這裡有大量的漁獲可以供它們覓食, 牠們和漁民們一起生活,成為了這個拍賣中心一道獨特的風景, 也為這個地方增添了不少生氣和活力。 站在拍賣中心裡的每一分,每一秒都充滿了驚喜,讓人看得目不轉睛。 一件件珍貴的漁獲在拍賣員的手中被快速拍賣, 魚貨拍賣交易以公斤計價, 拍賣場有開放民眾在二樓參觀, 值得一提的是在這個拍賣中心的魚貨拍賣是一輪接著一輪, 哨聲一次又一次地響起.... 直到把今天的魚貨全部拍出為止。 這競爭激烈又熱鬧的交易過程,絕對值得你一探究竟。 The sunshine, warmth, and vitality of Kezailiao Fishing Port are unforgettable to me. Due to its diverse tourism environment, beautiful blue sea views, and romantic sunset landscapes, it was awarded first place in the Top 10 Charming Fishing Ports in 2012. In 2015, it was upgraded to the first HACCP-certified fish market in the country, controlling pollution sources from five aspects: logistics, traffic, people, air, and water, improving hygiene standards, and becoming the second HACCP-certified fish market in Asia after Japan's Tsukiji Market (now relocated and rebuilt as Toyosu Market). The egret groups hover and fly over the rooftops because there is plenty of catch for them to prey on. They live with the fishermen, becoming a unique landscape in this auction center, adding a lot of vitality to the place. Standing in the auction center, every moment is full of surprises, making people stare in awe. Precious catches are quickly auctioned off by auctioneers, and fish auctions are priced per kilogram. The auction venue is open to the public on the second floor. It's worth mentioning that the fish auction at this auction center is one round after another, with the whistle sounding again and again... until all the fish of the day are auctioned off. This fiercely competitive and lively trading process is definitely worth exploring. 00:00 開場序言 00:53 前言 03:27 漁港地理位置 03:42 梓官區簡介 05:22 梓官地名由來 05:56 蚵仔寮地名由來 06:58 蚵仔寮漁港 09:25 關於HACCP 12:04 魚貨拍賣實況 20:36 認識甘仔魚(遊鰭葉鰺) 21:45 認識狗母梭(褐狗母魚) 23:38 認識三角仔(短棘鰏) 24:51 認識肉魚(刺鯧) 28:12 認識黃過魚(青石斑魚) 29:16 認識嘉鱲(真鯛) 30:19 認識紅盤魚(紅鋤齒鯛) 33:01 魚貨直銷中心買魚實況 33:57 認識黑點仔(火斑笛鯛) 35:39 認識加志魚(胡椒鯛) 40:15 認識黑喉(黑䱛) 41:22 認識馬鞭魚(鱗馬鞭魚) 44:40 認識紅目鰱(大棘大眼鯛) 46:04 認識蚵仔寮地方漁特產 50:49 朝天宮船仔媽 52:41 梓官赤崁古厝 54:32 梓官赤崁古井 55:16 結語 ========================================= 拍攝時間:2022年12月~2023年2月 #高雄景點 #蚵仔寮漁港 #haccp #esg #環境永續 #梓官朝天宮船仔媽 #漁港買魚 #魚貨拍賣實況 #梓官赤崁古厝 #魚貨批發價 #台灣旅遊 #梓官赤崁古井 #漁港釣魚 #白鷺鷥 #嘉鱲魚 #黑點仔魚 #黑喉 #黃過魚 #馬鞭魚 #烏魚 #紅目鰱 #三角仔
