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【漁港走透透】#65 高雄林園中芸漁港及魚貨拍賣實況|Fishing Port & Seafood | EP_160

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👉 Filmora 官網: Filmora 7天會員免費領(適用於 Windows、Mac): =========================== 中芸港位在高屏溪口海河交會漁場,漁業資源豐富,以捕撈近海漁獲為主。 以「現撈仔」的早市聞名,更是林園最大的漁港, 漁船自下午出海,清晨回港交易,屬於近海小型漁船作業的形態。 大約清晨三點,天還沒亮,出海的漁船陸續回港, 漁船的規律的引擎聲讓深夜的港邊不再寂靜, 漁民就著路燈的光,在港邊勤奮的卸魚, 把今天的漁獲從船上吊運到馬頭邊,並且分類整理,準備販售或是交給盤商。 在這充滿人情味的清晨,有別於熱鬧市集的裡的匆忙, 也許寒暄,或者交談,慢活的購買節奏打破了夜裡港口的寂靜, 形成了中芸漁港在凌晨時分特殊的人文風景。 Zhongyun Port is located in the fishing ground where the Haihe River meets Gaoping Xikou. It has rich fishery resources and mainly catches offshore fisheries. It is famous for the morning market of "Xian Lao Zai", and it is the largest fishing port in Lin Yuan. Fishing boats go out to sea in the afternoon and return to port for trading in the early morning, which belongs to the form of small offshore fishing boats. At about three o'clock in the morning, before dawn, the fishing boats that went out to sea returned to the port one after another. The sound of the regular engines of the fishing boats makes the harbor no longer silent in the middle of the night, Under the light of street lamps, fishermen are diligently unloading fish at the port, Hoist today's catch from the boat to the horse's head, and sort it out, ready to sell or hand it over to the dealer. The strong local human touch is different from the rush in the busy market, Perhaps greetings, or conversations, the slow pace of buying broke the silence of the port at night, It forms the special cultural landscape of Zhongyun Fishing Port in the early morning. 00:00 開場序言 00:37 filmora軟體推薦 02:19 漁港地理位置 02:34 林園區簡介 03:38 林園地名由來 05:31 中芸漁港 08:40 漁夫市集買魚實況 11:37 認識土魠魚(康氏馬加鰆) 13:24 認識西刀魚(寶刀魚) 14:29 認識黃鰭鮪 15:23 認識花煙(扁花鰹) 16:42 認識烏鯧(烏鰺) 29:48 林園龍舟賽 30:29 林園鳳芸宮 31:59 林園大陳義胞 33:58 林園海洋濕地公園 36:16 林園老街 37:28 林園安樂樓 39:11 原頂林仔邊警察官吏派出所 40:40 鳳鼻頭遺址 42:26 林園工業區 42:57 結語 =========================== ►歡迎訂閱、分享並開啟小鈴鐺才不會錯過新影片通知! 拍攝時間:2023年2月~2023年6月 #中芸漁港#漁港買魚#魚貨批發價#漁港釣魚#林園龍舟賽 #台灣旅遊#高雄景點 #林園海洋濕地公園#倒立水母#林園鳳芸宮#大陳義胞#林園安樂樓#鳳鼻頭遺址 #康氏馬加鰆#寶刀魚#黃鰭鮪#扁花鰹#烏鰺 #環境永續 #filmora #軟體推薦
