#lChinese Chives planting
Chives have tenacious vitality and are easy to care for. They are very suitable for family planting. In summer, Chives bolts can also be harvested and eaten. However, many people planted Chives thinner and thinner, and aphids and diseases were born. In this issue, Xi Xiaochu will introduce 3 techniques and methods for Chives to grow thicker and thicker. They are the choice of soil for growing Chives , the skills and methods of topdressing / fertilising Chives , and the regular transplanting of Chives. I will teach you how to grow more and more Chives , so that the whole family can't eat them all, and it will become a large piece in a few years. As long as we pay attention to these points, the Chives we plant will grow stronger and stronger, and there will be no pests and diseases.
Chapter table of contents:
Opening: 00:00
Soil selection and pH: 00:20
Top dressing tips for Chives (time, what fertiliser, method): 01:16
Transplanting lChives: 06:26
Chives Gourmet: 08:28
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