69 Camaro Pro Mod Drag Car. Steps involved in spaying the sealer, basecoat, candy coats, and clearcoat.
Sealer P565-3185 Grey wet-on-wet sealer (Nexa Aquabase) / P210-5476 Hardner / DT 895 Reducer________1 Coat
Basecoat P998-8989 Extra Coarse Aluminum (Nexa Aquabase) X 5 / P980-5000 Reducer________4-5 Coats
Flake Coat DBC500 / House of Kolor- Gold Mini Flake / DT895 Reducer ***For every 100ml of DBC500 (by volume) you add .2p (by weight) of the flake. Then reduce that mixture with the DT @1:1 ratio.__________1 Coat
Candy Coats DBC500 / SEM Mandarin candy concentrate (3 pints on this job) / DT895 Reducer Mix 4 parts DBC500 with 1 part SEM Candy. Then reduce mixture @ 1:1 ratio.__________3 Coats
Clearcoat VC5700 clearcoat / VH7795 Hardner / DT898 Reducer________3 Coats