熊本県 熊本市にある西部方面総監部が所在する陸上自衛隊 健軍駐屯地で「西部方面隊 創隊69周年記念行事」が実施されました。動画は健軍駐屯地前、一般道「自衛隊通り」を使い行われた「観閲行進」の模様です。九州・沖縄地区の防衛警備や災害派遣等を担うこともあり、各駐屯地から車両・隊員さんが集結し、たいへん壮観な観閲行進となっています。
The "Western Army 69th Anniversary Commemoration Event" was held at the Ground Self-Defense Force Camp Kengun, where the Western Army Headquarters is located in Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture. The video shows the "review march" that took place in front of the Camp Kengun on the public road "SDF Street." As the camp is responsible for defense and security in the Kyushu and Okinawa region and disaster relief, vehicles and other equipment gathered from each camp, making for a very spectacular review march.
*Since the filming took place away from the review stand, it was not possible to record music at the same time, so the audio source from the "Ground Self-Defense Force website" was used. https://www.mod.go.jp/gsdf/fan/
#陸上自衛隊 #健軍駐屯地 #西部方面隊 #記念行事 #観閲行進 #市中パレード