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由負債6位數到個成功化妝師|how i start from being broke and in debt to become successful makeup artist

Yoyo Yip Makeup 8,239 1 year ago
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一路都好想拍點樣成功成為一名化妝師嘅片 要放低一切面對未知去創業其實係好唔容易 I have always wanted to film a video about my journey of becoming a successful makeup artist, the unknown and uncertainty of running a small business is daunting indeed 係呢條片到我分享咗四個我覺得好重要嘅原則 喺創業嘅路上一路引領我繼續行落去 in this video i shared 4 principles that guide me through my struggles and ups and downs 無論你係想成為化妝師,定係想開創自己嘅事業 希望呢條片可以有幫到你嘅地方💖 if you are starting out to be a makeup artist or about to embark on being entrepreneur this video will be helpful for you 💖 如果你鍾意呢條片,希望你可以訂閱我嘅頻道✨鼓勵我繼續拍多啲🎞️ if you like this video please subscribe to my channel to support me to make more✨ Follow us on Social Instagram @yoyoyipmakeup 01:00 my story 04:44 believe in yourself 相信自己 06:59 think like a hustler 擺脫打工仔心理 08:56 be disciplined 理財自律 11:32 find your niche 深耕嘅重要性 #makeupartist #businesstips #hongkong
