जीवन के 7 द्वार का रहस्य, जब बड़ा बदलाव मुमकिन है, Secret of Seven Doors to Life, Osho Jeevan Darshan
#osho #oshoparvachan #oshogyan #oshomotivation #trending #oshokivani #oshospeechhindi #oshonaman #oshodiscourse #meditation #spirituality #life जीवन के 7 द्वार का रहस्य I जब बड़ा बदलाव मुमकिन है I Secret of Seven Doors to Life I Osho Jeevan Darshan
To understand human life has always been a matter of ultimate curiosity. Why humans have been created? What for we are made of? Do we receive an inner calling from life itself to change the course of it? Can humans choose their own path in life beyond determinism? Yes...such questions have been answered by Sadguru Osho in this discourse. There are seven stages when life can take a different turn if we are aware of their right timings when door to that phenomenon is opened to us.
Let's learn this wisdom together since we are all everyone's spiritual soulmates.
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Your Queries:
What is life?
Does life define everything?
is there a life force?
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