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高野山真言宗 犬飼山 轉法輪寺(いぬかいさん てんぽうりんじ) 〇当山は弘法大師空海さまと、お大師さまを高野山に導いた神様「狩場明神(高野御子御神)」さまがお出会いになった霊地です。 毎月21日午前9時半より<弘法大師法会>、28日9時より<不動尊護摩供>を行っています。 入退室は自由です。どなたさまもお気軽に足をお運びください。 奈良県五條市犬飼町124 公式ウェブサイト… facebookページ… [email protected] Let's join the palms together! koyasan Shingon Sect Inukai-san Tenpourin-ji 124 Inukai-chou,Gojo-city,Nara-ken,Japan [email protected] In order to open a base dojo to spread the word of the Shingon Mikkyo, Kukai sought a suitable location, and had a preaching tour to various places. One day, in Uchinogoori in Yamato (Nara prefecture), he met a hunter followed by one white dog and one black dog and was enquired. Then, Kukai answered. “I am walking to find a suitable location to build a temple.” Upon doing so, the hunter said, “In Kishu (Wakayama prefecture), just south of here, among the mountains there is a place that suits your needs,” and suddenly disappeared from sight. This hunter, is said to have been Kariba Myojin, the Shinto god of the locality, who is celebrated today in Koyasan and Tenpourin-ji. #犬飼山#犬飼寺#転法輪寺#法話#高野山真言宗
