30 and freaking out? Feel like you don't have your life all figured out 30 years old? Don't worry, you're not alone. Most of us have no idea what we're doing with our lives by the age of 30. But life has a way of making things work out.
Here are 7 life lessons from my 30s. Important and honest truths I learned from age 30 to 40. These are things i wish i knew in my 30s, that once I understood them made life a lot easier.
Life changes at 30 for a lot of people, and the more you are open to the changes, the better your life will be. Life after thirty can feel like it doesn't have the same spark as when you are younger but turning 30 doesn't have to be a struggle.
A lot of people are searching for advice for 30 years olds, and I hope these life lessons from my 30s resonate for you, and inspire you to keep on the path to becoming the person you want to be!
Please share them with anyone you think they would be valuable for.
About me: I am a professional speaker, writer, and run my own business. You can read my blog or learn more about my work here: https://midsonshort.com/
#lifeat30 #30yearsold #turning30 #advicefor30yearolds #lifein30s