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七個女兒的衣服都留在台灣,如何在美國打扮 7 個女孩而不破產! Our 7 Daughters’ Clothes Were Left in Taiwan!

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***好消息!我們剛剛在我們的網站上發布了一些全新的春季裙子(採用全新布料圖案),還有我們內部設計師Joanna手工製作的一些珠寶!我們稱這為J3系列:Joanna's Joyful Jewelry “Joanna的快樂珠寶!”哈哈哈!她做得太棒了!請在它們售罄之前到這裡查看並支持我們: 感謝您支持我們的家庭,我們非常感激!*** 本視頻內容: 我們一家九口在2024年11月從台灣搬到美國。那時我們需要決定哪些衣服要保留,哪些要送人。我們認為女孩們的台灣衣服(更適合夏天)在美國寒冷的西北太平洋地區用處不大,所以我們決定把大部分衣服送給朋友和有需要的人。 在美國,很多東西的生活成本(比如住房、食物和醫療保險)比台灣高得多。我們想看看是否能在不花太多儲蓄的情況下,為我們七個女孩準備足夠的衣服。在這個視頻中,我們帶您去當地的二手商店,尋找衣服、家居用品,還有偶爾發現的寶藏!您覺得我們找到的東西怎麼樣? 您的家庭喜歡將衣服從一個孩子傳給下一個孩子嗎?還是每個人都買全新的衣服?您住的地方有二手購物文化嗎?還是二手物品被認為是髒的,不值得花時間和金錢?請在下方分享! 感謝觀看!我們下次視頻見! Stephen (老外爸爸) ***Exciting news! We just released some brand new Spring skirts (with all new fabric patterns) on our website, along with some handmade jewelry by our in-house designer Joanna! Let's call this the J3 collection: "Joanna's Joyful Jewelry!" Ha ha ha! She did a great job! Please check them out and show your support here before they're all gone! : Thank you for supporting our family, we really appreciate it!*** In This Video: Our family of 9 moved from Taiwan to the USA back in November of 2024. At that time we had to decide what clothes to keep, and what clothes to give away. We decided that the girls' Taiwanese clothes (more suitable for summer) were not going to be much use in the cold Pacific Northwest part of the USA, so we decided to give most of them away to friends and those in need. The cost of living for many things (like housing, and food, and health insurance) is much higher in the USA than in Taiwan. We wanted to see if it's possible to get enough clothes for all 7 of our girls without spending too much of our savings. In this video we take you to a local 2nd-hand thrift shop where we go searching for clothes, household items, and the occasional treasure! What do you think about what we found? Does your family like to pass clothes down from 1 child to the next? Or does everyone get brand new clothes? Is there a 2nd-hand shopping culture where you live? Or are 2nd-hand items considered dirty and not worth the time and money? Please share below! Thanks for watching! We'll see you in the next one! Stephen -------------------------------------------------------------------- 🏪 有興趣的人,可以到我們的網站看我們最新的產品: 謝謝你的支持! 🎗 有一些人說他們想要支持我的頻道但是不需要我線上商店任何的產品。如果您想要支持我的頻道的話,您可以考慮捐款支持。我設定了一些安全又簡單的方法, 我們的網站: 謝謝您的支持! 🤝 請記得訂閱於開始鈴鐺的通知,新的影片出來的時候你就會被通知。以後會有更多的影片,希望你會喜歡。謝謝您! 訂閱: 👍🏻 歡迎追中我的臉書粉絲網頁: 🏠 合作邀約+個人聯絡:[email protected] -------------------------------------------------------------------- 加入我其他的 Social Media: Facebook (臉書) : 老外爸爸 LaoWai BaBa Bilibili: 老外爸爸 LaoWai BaBa
