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***Minor Correction: It should be RTX 3060 instead of RTX 3060 ti at 5:21 min.
Hi, I am The Mysterious Tech. In this video, I talked about 7 useful information about computers. Answers to questions such as "What is APU build?", "What is dual channel ram?", "What is V-Ram? And How much V-Ram Do I need for a specific task?", "What is GPU Wattage?", "What is bottleneck?", "What is Undervolt?", "What are Overclock and Underclock?" are provided in this video!
0:00-0:28 Intro
0:28-2:50 APU
2:50-3:53 Dual Channel Ram
3:53-5:36 VRAM
5:36-6:33 GPU Wattage
6:33-8:00 Bottleneck
8:00 -9:08 Undervolt
9:08-9:56 Overclock and Underclock
9:56-10:16 Outro
Image by svstudioart on Freepik
Image by DC Studio on Freepik
Image by DC Studio on Freepik