This 75-Minute Power Yoga Workout is perfect if you want to tone your entire body, increase your flexibility, burn calories, lose weight, challenge yourself and deepen your practice! A combination of an energizing Vinyasa Yoga Flow and powerful exercises inspired by strong yoga asanas, pilates & other body weight movements to sculpt and shape your body from head to toe. This 1 hour and 15 minutes intermediate yoga workout at home is a great way to build strength, but also lengthen your muscles, as we are including some nice yoga stretches inbetween. No equipment needed!
Always find synchronicity in your movement and your breath, your breath is your anchor and brings you into the present moment. Since this is an intermediate / advanced full body yoga workout, it’s really important to listen to your body and take breaks when you need them. I really hope you enjoy this 75 min total body power yoga workout! Let me know how you liked it!
#fullbodyyogaworkout #yogaworkout #intermediateyogaworkout
Yoga Workout: (0:00)
Cool Down: (1:07:45)
Website: ➳ Contact me for 1:1 Holistic Health Coaching Services 🍉
E-Mail: [email protected] ➳ Contact me for Collaborations ♡
My YOGA MAT is from ✺ I practice on the eKO Lite 4mm yoga mat. You can use my code NATHALIESHANTI for 10% off!
My OUTFIT is from Alo Yoga.
🎵 I use royalty free music from Epidemic Sound - Try it out here:
#poweryogaworkout #yogainspiredworkout #advancedyogaworkout #yogaworkoutforweightloss #75minyogaworkout #yogainspiredfullbodyworkout #yogaworkoutintermediate #yogapilatesworkout #fullbodyworkout #yogaworkoutathome #yoga
yoga workout , yoga pilates workout , power yoga workout , full body yoga workout , yoga workout intermediate , yoga power workout , yoga workout for weight loss
Disclaimer - It's best to always consult your doctor before starting any kind of new exercise regime or yoga program. All forms of physical exercises can possibly lead to injuries. By performing and using my videos (Nathalie Shanti), you are aware of the risks and take full responsibility for any injuries, which might be connected to any the videos I am posting.