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♥如懿的一生♥75.【渣龙不要脸】如懿儿子遇刺险丧命,皇上怪儿子遇险哭泣,软弱无能:太让朕丢脸了!chinese drama

娱乐撩剧团 94,418 4 years ago
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#娱乐撩剧团#如懿传#2021ChineseDrama#2021中国电视剧#ChineseDrama#中国电视剧#宫斗#周迅​#霍建华​​​#童瑶​​​#出色中国电视剧​​#好看中国电视剧​​#大陆剧​#大陆古装剧​#RYZ# ♥欢迎订阅:娱乐撩剧团 ☞☞ ♥Welcome to subscribe: Entertaining the troupe☞☞ ♥该视频源于电视剧《如懿传》The video originated from the TV series Ruyi Zhuan ☞☞点击观看《如懿传》多语种版 Click to watch the multilingual version of Ruyi zhuan: ☞☞点击观看《如懿传》剧情版Click to watch the drama version of Ruyi's Biography: ☞☞点击观看《如懿传》人物传记混剪版Click to watch the mixed cut version of The biography of Ruyi Zhuan: ♥剧情简介:该剧改编自流潋紫小说《后宫·如懿传》,讲述了乌拉那拉·如懿与乾隆皇帝爱新觉罗·弘历一生从恩爱相知到迷失破灭的婚姻历程的故事。 ♥The drama is adapted from the novel "Harem · Ruyi Biography" by Liu Lianzi, and the story centers on the life of Ulanara Ruyi and The Qianlong Emperor Aixinjueluo Hongli from love and friendship to the lost and broken marriage process. ♥主演:周迅、霍建华、张钧甯、董洁 ♥ starring: Zhou Xun, Huo Jianhua, Zhang Junning, Dong Jie
