0:33 Dwight Eisenhower Message
2:26 Duxford Airfield
3:18 Boarding
3:59 Airplanes Taxi
4:28 Airplanes Take-Off
5:04 Airplanes flight in formation
5:23 Jumpmaster Commands
6:57 Standing at the door
7:19 GO!!! (Drop)
8:04 C47 Side view
8:39 Boot Cam
9:13 Sky full of Parachutes
9:47 Close Call
10:22 Landings (PLF's)
11:48 Credits and thank you
13:03 Picture of Jumpers
Video To Honor the greatest generation of all.
The Heros of WW2.
75th Anniversary Commemorations of D-Day
34 Aircrafts C-47 / DC-3 - Dakotas gathered in Duxford, England to load 220 paratroopers and fly them across the Channel from England to Normandy, France where they are dropped over Dropzone "K" in Sannerville.
Event organized by Daks over Normandy which took place in the the IWM (Imperial War Museum) in Duxford.
Thank you to all the contributors:
Derek Cincotta
Chung Wong
Terry Lowe
Richard Clapp
Randy Gaulrapp
Bill Weeks
Shawn Clark
Elliot Langran
X-35 Airborne School (and all its members)
Diamond 9 Productions
Airborne Demonstration Team (and all its members)
Round Canopy Parachuting Team (and all its members)
Air Crew
D-Day Squadron
Everyone else that contributed not mentioned here
and specially to Jump Master Graham. One of the best persons I've ever met
Music by Audiomachine and Katherine Jenkins
Thank you all
All rights reserved