76: Magnus Carlsen talks Go, 1st Nanyang Cup, Cheating, The Stone (2013)
Lots of happenings in the Go world recently! A world chess champion talks Go, an inaugural world major tournament in Singapore, and a spicy cheating incident.
Korean Search Terms:
바둑 - Baduk
조훈현 - Cho Hunhyun
Vadim’s Travel Vlog (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y98J7mj1_DY)
Shin Jinseo Drinks from the Merlion (https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxOuY1Ouo4TSzVDSmndbz_MC06vrf2wCqN?si=C20oGyWB5D88aiHw) Go Set for the Visually Impaired (https://store.baduk.club/collections/club-tournament-gear/products/dokodemo-travel-set-for-the-visually-impaired)
The Stone (Full Movie) (https://tubitv.com/movies/100016644/the-stone)
1984 Cho Hunhyun Game (https://youtu.be/6sYIAqXnwDA?si=UQjiXbuhCMcUNnIs)
Support Star Point (https://ko-fi.com/starpointbaduk)
The Star Point Store (https://store.starpointbaduk.com)