787 express Kagoshima-link, TSUBAME;
EC-787 express.
Yatsushiro - NishiKagoshima (KagoshimaChuO), Kagoshima line, JR Kyushu.
movie location: Kumamoto and Kagoshima pref. JAPAN.
The Tsubame (swallow) was Kagoshima link express from Hakata terminal, and the most important intercity and Super-express-link of JR-Kyushu. Tsubame #1 is assigned as the train number '1M", M=
motor. The express run once every other hour, and consists 7 or 7+4 cars of EC-787. This movie, 787-Tubame runs on the Kagoshima line along the coast of the East China sea. After 787-Tsubame express, Kyushu-ShinKanSen (super-express) links between Kagoshima, Kumamoto and Hakata.