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What's done is done.
But what's done is done
stop making excuses
can you hold on for 10 seconds?
Where is the bathroom?
can you hold on
don't argue with me
I'll call you later
keep the change
حل الاسئلة
ضع لنفسك درجة بناء علي ما اجبته
1-Shh, keep your voice down
2-rest assured
3-what difference does it make
4-take your time
5-Would you like to have more energy
6-Do you feel better
7-Don't be selfish
8-Don't sweat it
9-can you hold on
10-I never said that
بعد ان تجيب اذا حصلت علي درجة اقل من 7 درجات -راجع علي الحلقات السابقة
متعة التعليم محمد سلام - انجلش