로펌대표가 말하는 사기꾼 특징 8가지! 사기꾼이 크게 사기 치는 방법. Korean lawyers, Seoul lawyers, Busan lawyers.
Hi, I'm Minjoong Kim, an attorney at Lawwin.
Today, we're going to talk about how to recognize a scammer.
It's an important topic, so please watch!
- Consultation (paid) or inquiry : (Seoul) 02-565-3340 (Busan) 051-717-3636
- Instagram(Communication) : https://www.instagram.com/lawyer_joong/
- Blog (information) : https://blog.naver.com/lawkmj
- Law Offices of Lawwin Homepage : http://lawwinlaw.com/
- Email : lawkmj@naver.com