Hokkaido in winter is a season where you can enjoy breathtaking natural landscapes woven by snow and ice. Various events and festivals are also held, allowing you to fully appreciate the unique charm of winter. Events such as the "Sapporo Snow Festival," "Lake Shikotsu Hyoto Festival," and the "Otaru Snow Light Path" take place, attracting numerous tourists as sculptures like snow and ice figures are created.
Moreover, Hokkaido is known for heavy snowfall, transforming the region into a beautifully snow-covered landscape during winter. Particularly, if you want to savor the untouched winter landscapes of Hokkaido, you can indulge in the charm of snowscapes in places like Biei Town and Mount Taisetsu.
00:00 Opening
01:04 さっぽろ雪まつりSapporo Snow Festival
04:58 ゆきあかりIN中島公園 Yukiakari In Nakajima Park
06:04 小樽雪あかりの路 Otaru snow light path Festival
09:45 小樽の夜 Otaru night
11:54 層雲峡温泉氷瀑まつり Sounkyo Onsen Icefall Festival
14:03 支笏湖 氷濤まつり Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival
17:39 大雪山旭岳 Daisetsuzan Mt. Asahidake
20:38 美瑛の雪風景 Biei snow scenery
23:13 Ending
冬の北海道は、雪と氷の織りなす自然の絶景が楽しめる季節です。また、さまざまなイベントやフェスティバルが開催され、冬ならではの魅力を満喫することができます。「さっぽろ雪まつり」や「支笏湖 氷濤まつり」、「小樽雪あかりの路」などの冬のイベントも開催され、雪像や氷像などの造形物が作られ、多くの観光客で賑わいます。