8 Hrs Uninterrupted Birdbath Video for Cats to Watch😻8 Hours of Birds 🐦Splashing CatTV
Watch All Day with the CatTV Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWWx4oWA9V8&list=PLcINAB_teMUtSRqiQCyY7dQnL209UY-sF
Pet birds and Cats both enjoy the splashing sounds and fluttering wings of the bathing and wading birds in this 8 hour nature movie. Play in the background to soothe and entertain you and your pets! My cat spends hours looking out the window at the all the birds that she will definitely try and kill and eat so this help keep her occupied and the birds safe!
0:00 Begin
1:10:38 Hummingbird
5:51:28 Brown Headed Cowbird