Fun & Interesting


Beitong北同 105,523 lượt xem 5 years ago
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Are Japanese homosexual conservative or open? Ah Jie, who has lived in Japan for 10 years, shares with you the Japanese social environment and their tolerance on the Japanese homosexual. Why are Japanese afraid to come out? Why has Japan’s sex film industry been enduring for a long time? What is the biggest difference when get along with Japanese boyfriend? Is Japanese society friendly to homosexual? By the way, I will teach you a few Japanese words related to homosexual. There are Chinese subtitles in this issue.

== ABOUT ==
I am a gay vlogger in Beijing.

Other social platforms:
Instagram or Line: @beijingxiaoshu
WeChat account: 北同 (text submission)
Personal contact information:
BiliBli & Sina Weibo: 北同 _boy99
Facebook: @gaoxiaoshu
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I am also grateful that if you can help to translate subtitles into different national languages ​​and let the world know about us
Welcome to subscribe, comment, and like me. Your encouragement is my motivation for LGBT. Please do not send the video back to Mainland China, thank you ^_^
