▶ It seems that cooking with rice paper is popular these days. So today, I'm going to introduce eight new dishes you can make with rice paper. These are delicious dishes that I've been making often lately. Hope you enjoy😊
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▶ Rice paper potato pancake
2 potatoes
A bit of carrot
2 rice papers
A bit of salt and pepper
Some cheese (optional)
▶ Rice paper shrimp dim sum
15 small size round rice paper
12 medium shrimp
Some chives
1t oyster sauce
1t sesame oil
1t minced garlic
A bit pepper
1T potato starch
▶ Rice paper seaweed chips (Rice paper gimbugak)
5 rice papers
5 gim
1 cup oil
A bit salt, sugar, ramen soup
▶ Rice paper kimbap
6 small rice papers
some pickled radishes
3 oz spinach
½ carrots
4 eggs
8 crab sticks
2 fish cakes
1 bowl rice
A bit salt and sesame oil
▶ Music by YouTube Audio Library