嘎哥第壹次來到越南首都河內 不僅巧遇了越南建軍80周年大慶 而且和非常多的本地帥哥美女們交流甚歡 尋找美食 探求刺激 力求讓大家耳目壹新 希望大家能夠喜歡這個視頻 之後的內容會更精彩 有想法的朋友可以當NPC在評論區彈幕給嘎哥派發獵奇任務 多多益善 壹定要關注嘎哥 三連支持 非常感謝!
Brother Ga came to Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, for the first time Not only happened to meet the 80th anniversary celebration of the founding of the Vietnamese army, but also communicated with a lot of local handsome brothers and beauties Looking for food and exploring excitement Strive to make everyone refreshed I hope everyone can enjoy this video The content after that will be more exciting Friends with ideas can be NPCs in the bullet screen in the evaluation area to distribute hunting tasks to Brother Ga The more the merrier, I must pay attention to Brother Ga Three consecutive support Thank you very much!
#vlog #越南 #旅行