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第8話 解体開始 #新築 #DIY #古民家 #オフグリット Episode 8: Demolition begins #New construction #DIY #Old house

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2024年10月動画投稿開始 このチャンネルは26歳、年の差夫婦が地方に古民家を買って移住して 1年後にお店を開店する過程をお届けして行きたいと思います。 夫(56才)の婿養子のゴルちゃん。(動画担当) 妻(30才)めだま共々よろしくお願いします。 誕生日の関係で25才差に見えますが実際は26才差です) ホームズ空き家バンク 京都府城陽市から三重県松坂市嬉野森本町への移住計画を進めています。 一括査定した中でいいと思った「アトリエクラッセ」さんと二人三脚で進めて来た移住計画。 計画開始から10ヶ月が経ち、色々と形になってきたので動画を作って行きたいと思います。 動画の予定 や実際に動いている状態↓ 移住するきっかけ どこにどれくらいの土地を購入するのか? 建築会社選びとそこに決めた理由 食品衛生責任者取得済 メニュー開発(ライブでやります) 農地売買(購入予定の土地の3条申請しました)←これをしないと土地が買えない リフォームの規模は? 設計士さんに相談(施設選び) 工務店との契約と駆け引き(工事してもらう工務店はクラッセさんではない) 第2種電気工事士チャレンジ← 学科試験、結果は合格。実技試験、結果は合格。 解体2025年1月開始 着工は2025年3月頃を予定して居ます。 これからやる事↓ 足りない予算はDIYで解決するしかない! 2000万円以上節約して見せます! 電気工事もDYI!50万円(第2種電気工事士取得済) 230坪の整地、転圧=ユンボでやります!400万円節約 18m×9mの巨大駐車場をDIY(屋根にソーラーパネル15kwh載せます) 500万円節約 目指せオフグリットで買電0円!太陽光パネル15Kwh、風車?、蓄電池20.4kwh、ハイブリットインバーター設置  800万円節約 お店の内装や設備をDIY 300万円節約 薪ストーブ等々設置 150万円節約 害獣フェンスDIY 200万節約 ※節約金額は工務店から聞いた凡その金額です※ #新築 #DIY #古民家 #オフグリット This channel will start posting videos in October 2024. This channel is about a 26 year old couple who bought an old private house in a rural area, moved to the area, and opened a restaurant one year later. This channel will show the process of a 26 year old couple who bought an old house in a rural area, moved there, and opened a restaurant one year later. Gor-chan is the son-in-law of the husband (56 years old). (in charge of video) My wife (30 years old) Medama and I are looking forward to working with you. (Due to our birthdays, we look 25 years apart, but in reality we are 26 years apart.) Homes Vacant House Bank We are planning to move from Joyo City, Kyoto to Ureshino Morimoto-cho, Matsuzaka City, Mie Prefecture. We have been working with “Atelier Classe,” a company that we found to be a good fit after a batch of assessments, for our relocation plan. Ten months have passed since the start of the plan, and various things are taking shape, so we would like to make a video. Schedule for the video and actual status of the project ↓. Why did you decide to move to Atelier Krasse? Where and how much land to buy Choosing a building company and why we decided to go there Obtained food safety certification Menu development (we will do it live) Agricultural land sale (we have applied for Article 3 for the land we plan to buy) ← Can't buy land without this What is the scale of renovation? Consult with architect (choose facilities) Contract and bargaining with construction company (the construction company to be installed is not Mr. Klasse) Challenge for Type 2 Electrical Contractor ← Classical exam, result: Passed. Practical test, result: passed. Demolition is scheduled to start in January 2025, and construction is scheduled to begin around March 2025. What we are going to do The only way to solve the budget shortfall is through DIY! We will save more than 20 million yen! Electrical work is also DYI! 500,000 yen (obtained 2nd class electrician certification) Land clearing and compaction of 230 tsubo = done with a jumbo truck! DIY huge parking lot of 18m x 9m (15kwh solar panels on the roof) Saved 5 million yen! Aim for off-grid, 0 yen for power purchase! Solar panels 15Kwh, windmill? Installed 20.4kwh of storage batteries and hybrid inverters. DIY store interior and equipment: 3 million yen saved Installed wood stove, etc. 1.5 million yen saved DIY vermin fence 2 million yen saved *The amount of money saved is an approximate amount obtained from the construction company*. Translated with (free version)
