9-BALL – Yes, this is a “spoiler alert”. In 2004, at the Derby City Classic, Efren “Bata” Reyes, 49, shot a 1.000 TPA in a 7-0 rout over his able opponent Jimmy Wetch, who was never given a chance to pocket a ball. Wetch, 35, had a respectable career at 9-Ball in the ‘90’s, but never had a chance to show his skills.
Mark Wilson and Danny DiLiberto manned the commentary booth.
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You can watch over 400 Accu-Stats Arena matches from the 2018 and 2019 INTL 9-BALL OPEN and 2016-2020 Derby City Classic, 2015-2017 US Open 9-Ball, as well as other Accu-Stats Invitationals on Accu-Stats Vimeo Subscription service: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/asvod/
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