9 Essential Qs Before Learning to Dive
9 Essential Questions to ask before getting scuba certified
We hooked up with a friend of the channel, Tammy, who has not begun her scuba license training yet. These are 9 question areas Tammy wanted to ask about before getting certified (See below). This is a great view for those interested in diving, or those who want to dive Tammy some encouragement/advice. If you have any other advice for Tammy, please write a comment.
#learntodive #learntoscubadive #padidivelicense
1. The Course
01:19 a. What should I look for in a certification program?
03:16 b. What will I learn in the program?
04:17 c. Do I need to join a course with a buddy?
2. Challenges
05:09 What are the most common obstacles beginners face when learning to dive?
3. Sharks
06:32 Should I be afraid of sharks while diving?
4. Costs
09:35 a. How much does it cost to get scuba certified??
10:41 b. Do I rent or buy gear for the course?
13:01 c. Do I need to be fit to dive?
14:18 d. How much do dives cost?
5. Gear
15:36 a. What brand/thickness wetsuit will I need?
17:03 b. Should I bring knives or other tools with me?
19:02 c. Will I be cold in a wetsuit?
21:01 d. Why do I see snorkels on a person who is scuba diving?
6. After Certification.
22:25 a. When should I take advanced certification?
24:00 b. How many dives a year should I do to remain proficient?
25:14 c. What is the most important thing for a diver to remember/do/pay attention to while diving?
27:23 d. What keeps you interested in scuba for so many years?
28:27 e. Where are things that a beginner diver should see?
7. Emergency Procedures
30:09 a. Will I run out of air?
32:55 b. Why do some divers run out of air before others?
35:00 c. What do I do if I run out of air?
8. Panic
36:20 What makes people panic underwater? How to avoid panic?
9. Narcosis
38:19 a. What is Narcosis?
40:52 b. What do you do when narced?
Safe diving!
Big Dog, DDT
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