CAT HOUSE DIY is a DIY renovation of a former garbage cat take house (almost in ruins).
We deliver reality.
In April 2021, I started CAT HOUSE DIY.
Finishing the hellish mortar construction,
Finished Karcher of Ishigaki,
I thought this was the end, but
I decided to sort out the weeds and soil that were overflowing from the top of the stone wall.
This was a little hard...
I'm leaving, I'm leaving.
A large amount of underground rhizomes of bamboo.
There are a lot of other things that come out, right?
What's going on with this garden?
The area dug and the amount of things that came out are strange...
A four-dimensional dirty garden?
Toshio, do your best!
#dirtygarden #undergroundstem #bamboo #DIY #renovation #emptyhouse