9mm vs 45 ACP, WE END THE DEBATE. The Human Torso Test.
9mm vs 45 ACP, the age old debate and the one that we end today. In today's video we utilize a human torso analog for our test.
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00:00 We are the paragon of 9mm vs 45 ACP science
0:59 Video sponsor Hunting Clash!!
2:18 Begining of TEST :))))
2:23 What ammunition are we using 9mm vs 45 ACP
4:45 Charlie enters the chat
5:53 First test 9mm vs 45 ACP FMJ vs Human Torso
7:46 Second test 9mm vs 45 ACP Hollow Points (Proven Performers)
11:15 Third test Norma Monolithic hollowpoints 9mm vs 45 ACP
14:09 Fourth test Buffalo Bore Extremely high pressure Ammunition 9mm vs 45 ACP
16:35 Fifth test Buffalo Bore Refire and chest and abdomen
20:27 Long range 9mm vs 45 ACP
21:04 Final thoughts on 9mm vs 45 ACP
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Leatherback Gear (Use code GARAND for 10% off) - https://www.leatherbackgear.com/
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Skallywag Tactical - https://www.skallywagtactical.com/
Mira Safety (Best commercial gas mask) - https://www.mirasafety.com/
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Beyond Clothing - https://beyondclothing.com/garandthumb
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Good chest rigs - https://amzn.to/3o6A8Fy
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------Camera Equipment------
Xidax (My Computer Sponsor) - https://mbsy.co/xidax/104960295
Sony A7SIII - https://amzn.to/3okgbez
GMaster Lens - https://amzn.to/39xuAvc
Sennehiser Mic - https://amzn.to/39BRrFW
Zoom H4 - https://amzn.to/3AEXiWM
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