마늘 3컵
다진 돼지비계 1,500그램
물 1컵정도
통깨 2큰술
누룩소금 2꼬집
고춧가루 적당하게
후춧가루 적당하게
마늘주대 10줄기정도
껍질있는 통마늘 60개
대추 한줌
깐마늘 5kg
굵은소금 100그램
비정재설탕 250그램
식초 500그램
(Garlic Flakes - Radish Oil)
3 cups of garlic
1,500 grams of minced pork fat
About 1 cup of water
2 tablespoons of sesame seeds
two skewers of yeast salt
Just enough red pepper powder
Just the right amount of course
(Black garlic)
About 10 stalks of garlic
60 whole garlics with skin
a handful of jujube
(pickled garlic)
5kg of peeled garlic
100 grams of thick salt
250 grams of unrefined sugar
500 grams of vinegar