Hello! I've gotten a lot of people into this game, and as I have, I've found myself wishing for a Job Guide that suited all of my needs. Then I realized I could just make one! Hope you enjoy!
Jocat's Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LM08VrEs6k
Battle Basics Video by Joonbob: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdcQyp8JcqQ
Quest Locations take from: https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/FF14_Wiki
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/SiffusVera
My Tumblr: https://siffusvera.tumblr.com
0:00 Intro
7:25 Healers
7:46 Healer | White Mage
8:16 Healer | Astrologian
9:23 Healer | Scholar
10:16 Healer | Sage
10:58 Tanks
11:16 Tank | Warrior
11:57 Tank | Paladin
12:40 Tank | Gunbreaker
13:20 Tank | Dark Knight
14:00 DPS's
15:00 Melee DPS | Dragoon
15:39 Melee DPS | Samurai
16:38 Melee DPS | Reaper
17:30 Melee DPS | Monk
18:20 Melee DPS | Ninja
19:07 Caster DPS | Black Mage
19:58 Caster DPS | Red Mage
20:45 Caster DPS | Summoner
21:31 Ranged Physical DPS | Bard
22:26 Ranged Physical DPS | Dancer
23:19 Ranged Physical DPS | Machinist
24:09 Outro
SEO Terms:
FFXIV Final Fantasy 14 Endwalker Shadowbringers Jobs Classes White Mage Astrologian Scholar Sage Warrior Paladin Gunbreaker Dark Knight Dragoon Samurai Reaper Monk Ninja Black Mage Red Mage Summoner Bard Dancer Machinist