What do the different political parties stand for? What are the major, minor, and micro parties promising this election? Well here is a few dot points for EVERY SINGLE FEDERALLY REGISTERED POLITICAL PARTY IN AUSTRALIA! Some are very straight forward and some have vast and complex policy platforms that I could only fit a fraction of in this episode.
This is a summary of a few key issues - without any commentary on whether those policies are good, bad, or even practical. It's entirely up to you, the voter, to be informed and express your opinion as you see fit at the ballot. Also, just because I mention an idea or policy for a group of parties doesn't mean other parties don't also agree with it - a lot needs to be removed for the sake of time.
If you think I've missed a party: no I haven't. You're thinking of a state registered party, one that doesn't exist anymore, or one that changed its name. I assure you, I was thorough! I even briefly explain Teal Independents, even though they're not a political party.
0:00 Intro
0:52 Labor
2:50 Coalition (Liberals, Nationals, LNP, Country Liberals) 2:50-6:02
3:16 Liberals
4:49 Nationals
5:40 Liberal National Party of Queensland (LNP)
5:46 Country Liberals NT
6:02 The Greens
7:29 Pauline Hanson's One Nation (PHON)
8:01 United Australia Party (UAP)
8:37 Teal Independents
9:19 Informed Medical Opinions Party (IMOP)
9:34 Great Australia Party (GAP)
10:06 Animal Justice Party
10:28 Australian Christians
11:04 Australian Citizens Party
11:38 Australian Democrats (AD)
12:43 Australian Federation Party
13:31 Australian Progressives
14:09 Australian Values Party (AVP)
15:13 Fusion Party
16:15 Federal Icac Now (FIN)
16:22 Indigenous Aboriginal Party of Australia
16:49 Legalise Cannabis
17:04 Liberal Democrats (LD)
18:04 Reason Party (Formally Sex Party)
18:47 Senior's United Party of Australia (SUPA)
19:04 Shooters, Fishers, and Farmers Party
19:38 Socialist Alliance
20:28 Sustainable Australia Party
21:26 TNL(The New Liberals)
22:18 The Local Party
22:48 State/Territory specific parties section
22:51 Victorian Socialists - VIC
23:40 Centre Alliance - SA
24:08 Western Australia Party - WA
24:26 Parties Named after people section
24:36 Jacqui Lambie Network - TAS
25:03 Katter's Australian Party - QLD
25:43 Kim for Canberra - ACT
26:04 David Pocock - ACT
26:41 Derryn Hinch's Justice Party
27:02 Drew Pavlou Democratic Alliance
27:29 Rex Patrick Team - SA
28:06 Outro
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Auspol Explained would like to acknowledge the Whadjuk Nyoongar people and their Elders as the owners and custodians of the Land that the video was filmed and edited on. This Land was stolen and never ceded. It always was and always will be Aboriginal Land.