In digging out images for this video I quickly became aware how many were unsigned and uncredited. So although I've included a few I have favoured images where I can name the illustrator. And although I have also included a few posters which have depicted the means of travel I have concentrated far more on the generally more engrossing scenic and human work.
After much consideration I've left out the motor car altogether (although it may well make a good video in itself somewhere down the line), as it has never been what you could call a means of mass transportation. And similarly I have left out London Underground posters for the reason that getting from Hyde Park to Hampstead a bit quicker doesn't really stack up against transatlantic travel or national and international railway journeys. And for those who haven't seen it there is a video on that very subject also on the channel. I recommend it wholeheartedly.
So after that longer than usual list of explanations and excuses let's get on with the show...