A viewer suggested that I make a guide about party compositions in Dragon Age: Origins, so here it is! It can be quite difficult to figure out how to best combine your Warden with the right companions so that you don't struggle too much in combat. In this guide I talk about my essential recommendations for your party, and then go into detail about which types of character builds to combine your Warden depending on your Warden's class and build archetype. Obviously, I can't cover every single possibility in a 27-minute video, but my advice should hopefully make you feel more comfortable choosing your allies and experimenting with your party.
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The Respecification DAO mod I mention: https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/5918
00:00 Intro
01:19 The Three Essentials
07:26 Some Warnings
10:56 Rogue Comps
14:54 Tank Warrior Comps
17:05 Damager Warrior Comps
20:19 A Caveat About Mages
21:55 Mage Warden Comps
25:29 Conclusions