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Annah & Ryoji 13,067 10 months ago
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レアちゃんがもう10カ月になるなんて信じられない!もうすぐ1歳の誕生日を迎えます。最初の1年間は本当に時間が過ぎるのが早い!今日はリョウジが仕事だったので、レアと私は図書館で友達と会ってオープン・プレイ・タイムをしたり、ショッピングモールに行ってプレイ・プレイスで遊んだりして忙しく過ごした。パパが仕事から帰ってくるまで、私たちはずっと忙しかった!一緒に夕食を食べて、それから寝た。レアはまだ1日2回昼寝をしている。離乳食も順調に進んでいるし、ベッドシェアも大好きです。母親であることはフルタイムの仕事であり、私はそれが大好きです! I can't believe Rhea is already 10 months old! It won't be too long until we will be celebrating her first birthday. Time really flies during the first year! Today Ryoji was at work, so Rhea and I kept busy by meeting up with friends at the library for open play time and we also went to the mall to look around and play in the play place. We kept busy all the way until papa came home from work! We had dinner together and then went to bed. Rhea is still taking 2 naps a day right now. She is eating fantastically through baby led weaning and we absolutely love bed-sharing. Being a mom is a full time job, and I absolutely LOVE IT! Thanks so much for watching! If you haven't yet please subscribe to our channel! 😊 Shop our world! Follow us on Insta! Annah's Instagram: 👩🏻‍🦰 Ryoji's Instagram: 🧑🏾‍🦱 Rhea's Instagram: #国際カップル #国際結婚 #couplechannel #internationalfamily
