A Day in the Village Kuakata : Harvesting gourd leaves & stem , green coconuts, buying clay pot.
Welcome to Kuakata Village, Experience the serene beauty of village life in Kuakata! Join us on an enchanting adventure as we dive into a day filled with local culture, from harvesting vibrant gourd leaves and sturdy stems to plucking fresh green coconuts straight from the palm trees. Watch as hardworking villagers proudly share their skills and life's treasures, buying clay pots from hawker. Each moment captures the essence of rural Bangladesh – rich traditions, sustainable living, and the beauty of community. Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, and leave a comment below! #VillageLife #Kuakata #HarvestTime
#rural #rurallife #village #গ্রামীণজীবন #গ্রামীণ
@DoyelAgro #TaraTalim #tara #তারাতালিম
#doyelagro #doyelagrovlog #villagelifewithshampa
DoyelAgro, Doyal agro, দয়েল এগ্রো, দোয়েল, দোয়েলএগ্রো, দোয়েল এগ্রো, খামার বাড়ি, Farming, Farmer, Fishing, village life, village life with shamap, ayat, tara, doyel agro new video