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A day trip to Urayasu, Chiba JAPAN | Fujifilm | 写真家街歩き 千葉県浦安の散策

サンポノ / Sunpono 1,995 3 years ago
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If you want to see the subtitles, turn on the setting :) I walked around Urayasu, Chiba Japan. And I took photography with Fujifilm X-T3 and XF18-55mm lens. Urayasu is famous for its manga and once had a flourishing fishing industry. The old streets and buildings still remain. This time I toured these. If you enjoyed this video, please click 'like' and subscribe :) 千葉県の浦安に行きました。『浦安鉄筋家族』で知られている浦安ですが、かつては漁業が盛んな町でした。古い建物や街並みが残っているので、今回はこれらを巡りました。浦安の方々は気さくな人が多いのか、行く先々で話し込んでしまいました。日帰りだと時間が足りないですね。 ※字幕をONにすると日本語字幕がご覧いただけます。 00:00 Intro 00:20 Urayasu station (浦安駅) 01:01 Matsu no yu (松の湯) 02:02 The former Udagawa family residence (旧宇田川家住宅) 04:04 The former Otsuka family residence (旧大塚家住宅) 05:38 Suehiro yu (末広湯) 06:17 Koseido watch store (光誠堂時計店) 06:46 The former Hamano clinic (旧濱野医院) 07:50 Jubei candy store (重兵衛商店) 09:22 Sakai river (境川) 11:02 The Urayasu City Folk Museum(浦安市郷土博物館) 15:49 Sakai river (境川) Map1: Map2: Map3: Map4: Gears: Camera: Fujifilm X-T3 Lens: XF18-55mm Camera for POV: GoPro HERO9 and Media Mod for GoPro HERO9 Want to know how to edit my photos? Music: Artlist (Extra 2 month free!): Memory by Magiksolo Artlist cold-night-home by miles-kredich Artlist leave by mattia-vlad-morleo Artlist new-dreams by david-james-terry Artlist gnomon by rew Artlist #japan #travel #walking #街歩き #streetphotography #fujifilm #vlog
