This is an older guide! i just made a new version for 2021!! check it:
Support onf's comeback beautiful beautiful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pwBFTUJBzQ
So this is my first time ever editing a guide. So it's kind of bad...
(hello Hylia from the future here, I am currently making a 2021 updated version of this with better editing and no comic sans, (i severely apologize for my ironic use of it) I'll have it up with onf's comeback on the 24th)
Anyway, here are some awsome channels and vids to continue your ONF journey!
ALL videos about ONF with english subs are archived here
ONF Official channel (vlogs, covers, dance practices):
-Subs ONF "Mini game heaven" (series where they play games on members bdays)
-Subs ONF "on the run" series (ONF's vlog series)
0:00 - Facts
2:25 - Hyojin
5:10 - E-tion
8:29 - J-us
11:41 - Wyatt
15:46 - MK
21:26 - U
26:14 - outro