Lana Del Rey's discography paints a vivid picture of the anxious attachment style, with themes of limerence, rescue fantasies, the anxious avoidant trap, abandonment trauma, and more. In this video, I do a lyric breakdown and discussion from every Lana Del Rey album, from Born to Die to Did You Know That There's A Tunnel Under Ocean Boulevard and explore how the anxious attachment style reveals itself in the way she writes about her relationships. I am not a therapist, this is not a therapist reaction video, this is just a Lana del Rey stan with an anxious attachment style sharing her poetry analysis. But I do hope it helps someone!!
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Joyninja article on limerence:,difficult%20and%20vulnerable%20healing%20work.
Joyninja article on healing from rescue fantasies:
0:00 Intro
2:03 What is an Anxious Attachment Style?
6:07 Fear of Abandonment, Activating Strategies, and the Anxious Avoidant Trap
14:51 Limerence and Healing Fantasies
26:23 How to go from Anxious Attachment Style to Secure
Attached by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller
Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents
Ultraviolence Lana Del Rey
Honeymoon Lana Del Rey
Born to Die Lana Del Rey
Lana del Rey interview with Grazia:
Healing Fantasies: Releasing the Longing to be Rescued
How to Heal the Anxious Attachment Style Chris Rackliffe,and%20seeking%20perspective%20from%20others.
Borderline Personality Disorder BPD Favorite Person:
Joyninja What is Limerence?,difficult%20and%20vulnerable%20healing%20work.