Make sure you read the pinned comment if you're sensitive to any content warnings! This video was made in a single day, after watching Lacey's Petshop on early access I couldn't resist. This is one of the best internet horror ever.
Special shoutouts to @ghosttundra the series creator and @piximouse_ for voicing Lacey in the video!
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// timestamps:
00:00 intro
02:05 Lacey's Wardrobe
07:05 Lacey's Diner
16:33 Lacey's Petshop
30:49 closing thoughts
// music used (in order):
♫ Yume 2kki - Cutlery World
♫ Yume 2kki - Lotus Water
♫ Yume 2kki - Green Neon World
♫ Yume 2kki - Mansion: Terrace
♫ Yume 2kki - Red Rock Caves
♫ Yume 2kki - Cat Cemetery
♫ Yume 2kki - Nocturnal Groove
♫ Yume 2kki - Sea Sponge Path
#laceygames #digitalhorror #arg #videoessay