heya collective! my name is cheryl!
I am a full time reiki master/healer.
the collective messages I channel intuitively through tarot surround the karmic masculine, karmic feminine, twin flame, soulmates, soul ties, karmic soul ties + karmic soulmate + divine masculine divine + feminine energies.
these are NOT personal readings for any one individual but collective readings.
please only take what resonates - DO NOT EVER try to make anything fit.
nothing is fixed - you always have free will no matter what any reading or reader tells you!
your energy and love is always greatly appreciated - thank you for watching!
c. xo
please show your support for these messages by liking the videos and/or subscribing to channel!
for paypal donations: https://www.paypal.com/ncp/payment/U6KKELV7LLB44
thank you! 🙏🏿❣️
all readings, regardless of when posted, are *timeless*!!!
*this reading is for entertainment purposes only and should not be used in place of medical care, treatment and/or advice.
#tarot #twinflame #soulmate #twinflamejourney #masculineenergy #karmic #karmicsoulmate #karmicfamily #karmicsoulties #relationship #tarotreading #collectivereading #collective #collectiveenergy