The final episode in this messy saga. Apologies for the production quality. At least this one had less heavy breathing although you can pinpoint when I walked into the coffee table.
When will I learn to keep my fingers out of the frame?
Couple of dolls I wanted to elaborate on:
1. Yes, that is Funk Out Sasha
2. La Dee Da is Runway Vacay Tylie as “Kabuki Cutie” (you couldn’t have picked any other name?)
3. The OMG is Jams which I feel like I should be able to remember because it’s so short
4. Black Label 2014 Repro Black & White Swimsuit Barbie (not an anniversary but yes the other is the 65th I can count)
5. Na Na Na is Melanie Mod (thank you Dollect)
6. Bratzillaz is Sashabella Paws
7. It’s 1988 Holiday Barbie
8. Business Barbie or whatecer i called her is actually the Barbie Rewind 80s Career Girl but I can’t be faulted for not remembering that.
I wish the Once Upon a Zombie dolls would make a comeback or were at least easy to buy secondhand 😞